[10:37 a.m.] : [2004-12-13]

so, i've made some changes. just small patatoes, nothing huge. i've just been in this phase where i want to code and recode, a lot. i spent a few hours a day for the months of october and november building a site for my brothers photo business. but that's been done for two weeks and i'm even more board with myself. i'm thinking of building another site. much like that maze i had a few years ago. only this time i think i have the resources for it to be all origianl matterial. but, well see.

i reread yesterdays entry, and one point i failed to realize was in the dream this feeling i had, that it was important for me to distance myself and not just great this old friend like it aint no thing cause there where things that mattered and needed to come to light. it was very important to me at the time to not appear to care even though i couldn't help but feel that i cared very much, i just had a strong desire to not show it. i don't know, i think that is kind of messed up but i'm pretty sure thats how i would want it to in real life. i'd rather not show it right now.

but man dreams suck, like last night i was living in a city in france(france? yeah i know something is wrong in my head), maybe paris it wasn't that spacific but there was some urban legend guy that was known for attacking jogers and i went running a lot and i lived in an apartment over a depart store and i had just come home from running and he was in a closest and right as i was heading in to kick ass and beat down with my nunchucks the phone rang and ikea wants to set up on interview.

that last bit was real not dream. i have an interview with ikea tomorrow at 2:15. so if you know anyone in hr there, put in a good word for me. and let me know how much you put in, i will reemburse up to 75 bucks.

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