[3:56 p.m.] : [2004-11-02]

on my jacket just bellow my little green pin is a sticker that claims I VOTEED of course it doesn't have two e's just one because i can't spell. only, i don't know if i actually voted, well not for president anyway i'm sure my other choices like for the local trasit crap where ok. but no one at my polling place could answer my question of proper write in procedure so as to ensure my vote counts. there where guesses. they all agreed that i had to check the write in box and then, gasp, write in. but i already knew that, what i was asking is what to write, lastname only? first and last? last name first? name and office and running mate and african or europeen?
it's bad enought that the government is denying my first amendment right to have the candidate of my choice on my ballot. but then they got to lengths to ensure that they do not train their own people(and yes i know it is not nessicarily their people, my mother was a election judge for 16 years of my life so shut up) so they can not tell my why my vote is or is not going to qualify as meeting the neccesary standard for counting.

i keep getting enturpted by IM's, so um have i stopped making sense yet with what i was saying? well i'm having trouble keeping up so i am done with that. for now.

in other news after multi doctor visits over the course of friday yesta'day an today it had been established, that oakland has an asian distric where i should not go seeking medical help even if no one else can take me on the same day because i will not be able to talk with the army of people who stand between me and the doc. oh and i have a six milimeter gap of a fractured right fifth metatarsile(spl?) and have myself a stylish removable boot cast. for you people who don't understand what i was talking about or are unfamiliar with the liberties i have taken with medical terminology. that long bone on outside of your right foot, well i have a renegade chunck that succeded from the rest and is drifting alone a little over half a centimeter from where it should be.

that is all for now. good bye.

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