[2:36 a.m.] : [2004-10-27]

My foot is healing, the swelling has gone down and been replaced by large randomly places wonderfuly colored bruises. thank you all for your continued concern.

a few weeks ago i found this button i got back in september of 2000, it was a button Pete Yorns people where passing out at the Sunny Day Real Estate show in sacramento. it is white letters on a green field that reads Vote Nader.*
in 2000 i will admit that i did not vote for Nader. I liked the man but did not feel he had a strong enough platform to gain my vote. i made a different choice and i am happy with the choice i made.
back to my story: i took out this button and i pinned it onto my jacket and i have been wearing it proudly.
I know the man has no chance in hell in this or any election, that is not the point. the point is what i feel to be very important, what he has represented to this election is what i feel to be the most impotant thing a canidate can endorce and that is purely the importance of maintaining a democratic process for the people.
dropping party affiliation was something that interested me, i've become dissatisfied, for a number of reason that i will not get into at the moment, with people relying on parties and the party system. and the simple fact that Nader maintains his campaign because he has the right as an american to do so dispite discouragement from both parties, the press and the government is in my mind the most admirable thing a canidate has done in a long while.
before i get to far into this, to late you say? i will admit there are still things about his platform i do not agree with, he has plans that i think are unreasonable, then again i already stated my willingness to accept that he will not win. like i said, i support him because i believe in the processes and rights that where established in this country by the founding fathers.
i'll stop being preachy in a second and just encourage you to be educated about the process and candidates before you vote, mtv and most media is not a reliable source for an unbiased education. A vote for a Rep/Dem canidate might get you a winning vote, but it might not always mean anything at all. Tuesday i am going to have to write in my selection of presidential candidate because that is the only way i am allowed to exercise my first ammendment right.
The official Nader/Camejo 2004 election site can be found HERE

if i was not writing in for Nader, as a man, i would be forced to write in for Russell/Dumas. i can respect if you don't care about Nader and don't go to his site, but seriouslly check out the Russell/Dumas link, i worked hard writing it all code and text for my old roomates.

*looking at that whole paragraph, man how things have changed. and i don't mean just politically. i hate this looking back at semi large units of time and all the feeling old growing up brings, especially since i know i'm really not that old. damn. the white lines getting longer and the saddles getting cold.

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