[5:09 p.m.] : [2003-03-31]

i am at my mothers house. she is not here. she is in mexico untill sunday. so here i am.

i have laundry going, and i needed it. i am wearing my last clean(well it was clean when i put it on) pair of underwear, and i've been wearing my flip flops for the last two days because i have been out of socks. but soon clean undergarments will be dry.

tomorrow i will spend time with my drums. i have a drum set, i have my L.P. and amp, i have my 4 track, and i have some ideas. tomorrow i will record a shitty e.p.

i was planning on going into Berkly and buying a burrito from the place on university and MLKJr and then buying the new Reggie and the Zwan and the new AFI and the new Cursive but my cash funding ended up not working out...

last night i finally got the Centaur album. it deserves its own entry which will come soon, since i have computer access i will be updating quite a bit in the next couple of days so stay tuned.

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