[3:34 p.m.] : [2002-11-14]

ok, i'm kind of in a hurry so i'll try to make this quick.

yesterday- meet all three members of the flaming lips at various times of the day. they where all super cool. also met beck, he was not so cool.

both of their sets however where fan-facking-tastic.

and my girlfreind got to dance on stage for the lips in costume. and she got hit on by wayne...ok so he just gave her a hug, but, i know he wanted her.

maybe i'll right more on this later. in closing here is something i just found.

'Miss Cleo' Settles Federal Suit
WASHINGTON (AP) - The operators of Miss Cleo's psychic hot line agreed Thursday to cancel $500 million in customer bills to settle federal charges that the service fleeced callers while promising mystical insights into love and money.
By DAVID HO, Associated Press Writer

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