[1:37 p.m.] : [2002-11-12]

yesterday was veterans day right? sure, of course it was.

funny story, true story- my girlfriend gave a dollor to a gentleman who was taking donations for veterans, in return he gave her a small fake red flower to wear through out the day to remember the day. attatched to the stem of said flower was a little note that read along the lines of wear this flower all veterans day and remember sept. 11

...wait, what? sept 11? yep thats right, to fuck with all bajillions the men (and some women) who have served this country. to hell with the memory of all those who have died during wars. screw both of my grandfathers, and any of yours for that matter, that have been in war. forget them, cause it's all about sept 11! ...yeah right.

how fucking retarded is that?! i mean please, sure the whole towers (and pentagon which most people forget to mention) attacks sucked ass, but everyone needs to get over it to an extent. seriously move on to a health state of reality, not everything needs to be about the damn attack on america.

if i had been there, i would of promptly thrown the flower in his face demanded my dollor back and send it to my on living grandfather, who was in the military and fought during WWII. i'd rather send it to my other grandfather, the one who faught in the pacific and worked the rest of his life in a naval shipyard, but he is dead not that anyone cares about noncivilian dead these days.

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