[3:42 a.m.] : [2002-08-22]

i like to buy books. i also like to read them but, finding good books to read is a bit more of a challenge. you see there is this great used book store down the street behind my favorite* taco bell* so everytime i go to taco bell i go to this book store. it's dank(you aint thinkin' of getting rid of the dank are you moe?) and the owner is this short gentleman who walks around the store singing to himself. it's a great place and outside they have a bajillion carts of books 3 for a buck. mind you most of these books are of self help or romance persuasion, but once in a while i'll find a gem. titles like Common Sense In Letter Writing: Six Steps To Better Results By Mail, Man In The Modern World, or Agenda For Progressive Taxation copywrite 1947, and who can forget Teaching High School Social Studies copywrite 1955. ok so these are bad examples, these are just novelty purchases because i enjoy the titles and the old binding. but once in a while i will find something to actually read. Too Far To Walk for example, it was cheap and dusty and i started reading it with no real interest and went all the way threw it. another is one that i picked up sunday at the hight of my boredom, i don't think i even really looked at it when i bought it, just picked it off the shelf payed my fifty cents and it's been sitting for about three months, i've actually giving up running down white folk on GTAIII to read this book it is terribly interesting, i think in the near future i am going to post some of it here.

*ok so my all time favorite taco bell was the one at spring cypress and 45 across the street from splashtown, but it was closed about what... oh five years ago now.?
*ok so this taco bell is actually my second favorite, but my current favorite, or atleast it was last week it caught fire or something i'm not sure all i know is closed and the drive threw window is boarded up and there is ventilation crap hanging down from the ceiling. it makes me sad.

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