[2:40 a.m.] : [2002-07-03]

i finished my entry last night and put myself to bed. i stared up at the cealing for a while by the faint light from the street lamp. i closed my eyes but there was something in my left one.
there was something in my left eye the night before, what i had done then was turn on my side with my face down one the left side. distract what was under the lid by putting pressure on my whole face. but last night i couldn't get to sleep on my side and laying on my back my eye irritated me too much when closed to sleep.
after tossing and turning over for an hour i got out of bed and played GTA3. you would think that after killing 500 people, well 513 to be exact, i would of been able to sleep soundly... but no.
i tossed for another hour, it was around five/five-thirtyish but what ever was under my eye was eating me up. i went to the restroom and could not see anything in the mirror but still gave my eye a good bath of water and contact solution. i went back to bed and about six fifteen (oh, i forgot to mention i was scheduled to work at two in the afternoon today and was terribly worn from the previous day), but happy day i started to doze off.
my dad sticks his head in the door as i'm going out and brings me back, along with being a wake is the weight of what was under my lid which now was bothering me with my eyes open as much as when they where shut. along with that was the realization that i worked in under 8 hours, and needed to mow the yard before i went in. this wake up call was not well recieved with my tattered nerves.
i contemplated trying to knock myself out, but there was nothing large and blunt around to use so burried my face in my pillow and gave up.
an hour later(about 7:30) i got to sleep some how. an hour and a half after that (about 9)i got a call from my boss "Hey dude, if you could come in at early say noon that would be great." mind you my car is in the shop and i've been bumming rides and my ride to work had worked the overnight and i didn't want to have to wake him up early much less wake up myself i had finally just reached my goal of sleep. i said "sure, alright." sleep came easy after that call, but still the thought of it only lasting for two hours untill my alarm went off didn't make it a pleasant thought.
an hour later the car place called with an estimate for my car, well atleast i was quoted fifty bucks less than the previous shop i took it too. if i can't sleep atleast i'm saving money. an hour after that i was up and calling and waking up my ride to work.

of course you realise none of this is anywhere near anything i was planning on making an entry about last night, of course last nights is no where near what i was going to write about but when i was writing it i said tomorrow night i'll write about it, and now it's tomorrow night and i slept maybe five hour last night, none of it was good sleep, and i work tomorrow during the day. ...what is wrong with this picture?hypothetically speaking of course.

the truth is i've never like the process of going to bed, i've never been able to just fall a sleep so i find myself staying up later and later to try to compensate and all i end up doing is writing long pointless boring enrties or watching reruns of Family Ties. and instead of making sleep easier it just cuts the hours down because i still can't get to sleep quickly only now i have less time to work with, and i end up pulling all nighters, there have been more days so far this year that i have gone without sleep than all the previously allnighters i have pulled in my life.
but atleast the good news it that what was in my eye is now gone... if only i could get the temperature in my room to drop below eighty.

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