[3:04 p.m.] : [2005-04-04]

saturday morning heading east on i-80 it's six in the morning the sun is about to raise on the quiet nevada desert just outside of Wells. we've been in the car traveling for the last 12 hours or so straight threw the night and are presently about two hours from our destination. one single word from the driver stirs me and i brace myself.
thump and we have impact, i'm sitting in the back seat and all i can see is smoke in the cabin and even though i can tell the window is cracked i can not see out of it. the car is still in motion and i wait for the force of the guardrail. lucky for us it doesn't come, lucky for us the front tire doesn't pop and we don't go rolling end over end in grand suv fashion. like usual i wasn't wearing a seat belt and we roll quickly to a stop.
this is where pete gets props, he didn't freeze up and mash down on the breaks and jerk the wheel. even with the airbag blocking his view and and front end and alignment shot to hell and back he kept it all in control.

so there we are our rental car torn to crap dead in the middle of the road in the middle of the desert everyone gets out and goes stand off the highway as i video tape the damage and the pieces of the deer. here is a nice chunk of meat, over here the front nisson decal that broke off covered in blood and bile (did i mention the bile, everywhere. not a lot of blood but so much shit) here we have the head front legs and half the torso, here is some car debris, ten feet back here we have the lower legs and torso around a guardrail post and over here is more meat...wait no that is not meat that is defined, it looks like a dog, some one must of his a chuawa out here... no what the F*#& it is deer fetus. yes, among the debris and skatered parts two partially developed deer that had been thrown across the highway when the womb had been ripped open on impact.

this is starting to drag on so long story short. police report is filled out and the officer takes hank mike and kris back to wells pedro and myself are waiting for the towtruck in the middle of the desert in the middle of no where. an hour and a half later we meet back up with the others. a new rental car is being sent to us from salt lake, it will be at least three(ended up being four and a half) hours sitting around the flying j. and so after a seven(ish) hour delay we get to finish the drive, a trip that should of been 12 hour concluded just shy of twenty four.

and that concludes the main point of interest from the trip.

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