[11:24 a.m.] : [2005-01-12]

i've been anticipating today for a couple of weeks now. i was planing on starting this entry off with a quote from a book that hasn't fully been written yet. one that someone had started here in a diary and as far as the diary showed was left, like so many things, incomplete.
Went on a limb for you,
Capsized when I turned twenty two.

if i had planned ahead properly i would of just copied the story and saved it, i should of done that anyway. but i was hoping it would still be up and accesible, it's what get for planning a head.
Did it burn as bad for you?
the story opens with a few simple line. something to the tune of how everyone at some point in their life has to make the worst possible decision. how this can not be helped and even if they know better they do it anyway.
No bottle serves to soothe my wounds.
at least that is what i came away from it with. i was wanting to open today with the quote because i had selected today as a personal holiday of sorts. an anniversary of a bad decision. okay maybe not a bad decision, but something that would have large negative impacts, things i knew looking ahead and went threw with anyway. i'm not saying today is about regrets, because it is not, it is about celebrating past mistakes.
Do hope I won't
Learn to make
The same mistakes

i just wanted to use that quote because i liked it and could relate well. that and it was something i'm not sure that i was supposed to ever see, at least i wasn't invited to and that part hurt but how could i stay away? yeah, it was written by someone i used to know. i'm not sure anymore. but they are directly linked in my mind with this day so there was a nice irony to it all.
My only hope
Is letting go.
a few years overdue.
I spent them waiting here.

of course now it is no longer there, hows that for a laugh?

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