[12:34 a.m.] : [2004-04-27]

Del: What's the name of the word for the precise moment when you realize that you've actually forgotten how it felt to make love to somebody you really liked a long time ago?

Dream: There isn't one.

Del: Oh. I thought maybe there was.

Dream: There isn't.

the first time i saw the movie i had wished you where there with me and i was moved by it so much i wanted to cry with sympathy. sympathy with the charecters and for the openess they found at the end of their relationship at a point of moving on and their ability to recall thier love as it was with a fair eye on looking back. it made me feel like i did talking to you before my last trip down.
it was good to see you. it was very good. i don't know what to say this trip but was glad to have been able to share it with you. this second time threw, the movie, i felt like i could have cried again out of sympathy for not knowing how it will all turn out. it scares me to no end to know what will become of everything, all my feelings and thoughts and history of you.
i don't know how i will sleep tonight. i was asked over the weekend if i missed you and played it down more than it is, i think for myself more than anyone else.
my great fear is i will not get a chance to come back for you, to come back to get you. i think you will be taken before i can get myself in order for you. i do not want to suffer at my loss while being happy at your joy, i want to share it.

Del: Um. What's the name of the word for things not being the same always? I'm sure there is one. The things that lets you know time is happening...

Dream: Change.

Del: I was affraid of that.

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