[12:07 p.m.] : [2003-09-18]

yesterday at work i was approched by a coworker:

coworker: do you have a girlfriend?
me: ...why?
cw: because i think you and _____ would be cute together.
m: ok... what makes you say that?
cw: i don't know i saw you two talking and i thought you two looked cute.
m: ...ok
cw: well i'm going to go tell ____ you two look cute and should hook up or something.
m: um, yeah you do that and i tell you what i'll find you after fourth period and you tell me everything she said about me.

example of why i don't like to get personal with people at work. people may think i'm unfriendly but i just don't like my bussiness messed with. i mean what if said coworker where to try and hook me up with someone who maybe i was already gonna holla at? i don't need someone trippin my flavor in a eight grade manner trying to get me the booty. if i want the booty i will get it for myself thank you very much.
of course the thought of someone else doing all the grunt work for me and without me having to reveal myself and ask them to do me that favor does have a slight appeal. i think i will be entertaining to play both sides, try to hook myself up while at the same time let said coworker try to hook me up while not knowing i'm doing the same thing. but this is kind of the thing i was talking about a couple of entries ago. i mean i have been out of high school for three years out of jr high for seven, i am in my twenty second year so why can't i just skip this crap? i mean it would have been one thing and perfectly ok with me, the whole coworker hooking a brother up had she not presented it in a jr high manner. if the exchange could of happend without her using the word cute i would of been like "thats cool i was going to holla anyway thanks for lookin out" but no. grrrr
i think i am going to go make myself a sandwich and go to the country club.

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