[4:22 a.m.] : [2003-01-01]

two parties in one night, dad-gum, i am a wild man in my olding age....olding?, so anyways, i finally made it to sleep this morning at like seven thirty on the sofa down stairs and like two minutes later the dog came down and was all like making noises and crap so i said fine and went back up to my room and fell asleep on my bed, then ashley came over like four hours later, but that was cool we made a pizza and watch part of the twilight zone marathon on the sci fi channel.

after pizza we shopped for 80's esque prom-ish dresses for ashley for the first of the two parties, we found this totally rad one that had a black skirt and purple sequined top. after driving around for a couple of hours we found about everything else.

we came home she took a nap, i dyed my hair if i am going to put it up it needs to be dark. so i finished with that and she woke up and we both got ready and we both looked like so totally hot and some junk, except... ashley still needed shoes... so we went to walmart with under an hour to get to party number 1 before midnight and at walmart i almost got in a fight in the frozen food section, i am all about guys getting thier asses kicked by other guys in makeup, especially if i'm the one kicking ass.

we made the party with like 45 seconds, seriously we walked into the place and i was getting oreinted and everyone started kissing, i was like thats cool and stuff and then ashley kissed me and that was cool too. and the place was really cool and everyone was all like dude, i love your hair and two people where like dude, your shoes kick ass, and so i'm all like thank you and we danced and left

we where going to party number two but i had a magnificent idea so we went by sara-sara's and surprised her and she is like the coolest person to surprise cause she is always like OH MYYY GAAAAWDDDD!!!! and with the hair and shoes (she's seen it all before but my hair is super longer than it was before, and she has tons of pictures around her apartment it's cool and she has the coolest toilet seat ever, it's got a picture of scott beo/beao/baeo(the guy from charles in charge and other various tv shows))and we talked to sara for a few minutes and then moved along, and like ashley pointed out sara looks lovelier and lovelier every time we see her, and she was soliciting my girlfriend to make out so i might need to be concerned in the future.

we almost didn't get a party number two cause ashley didn't know where it was and her phone was almost dead and we where almost home but no we got a call and where at the party within 34 seconds, give or take two minutes. but it was pretty much dead by that time but we said hi to ashley's friends and stuff. then we left.

now i'm home and tired and i work in six hours, good night.

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