[6:52 a.m.] : [2002-08-15]

it's official: my comic strip is going big time... ok so by "going big time" and "official" i mean that i'm having my next batch of checks printed up with a frame from the strip. but seeing as i'm hellava lazy and it's the first thing i've done with my comic in six months it's cool to me. i mean what does you checks have on them? do they have the afro?

i should say not.

oh and ummm, if they do, yeah, could you uh, like, well umm, let me know so i can sue you and, well stuff. yeah, thanks.

so aside from that not a lot going on that i feel needs to really be shared. i've just been working a bunch and playing a lot of video games. i haven't been catching any of the adult swim stuff as much as i would like to, i enjoy it all so much. i have however been listening to mother love bone and the afgahn whigs in heavy rotation in addition to some old punk stuff (ok not really old like sex pistols, but not this new new found glory crap)...i've been listening to a lot of middle punk stuff lately no use for a name, propaghandi, anti-flag kind of stuff. it's better than creed and celine dion.

oh and did i mention the sparta album is good? well it is, they are touring with jimmy. and bright eyes is coming to town two weeks after that show, so things are looking up.

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