[12:25 a.m.] : [2002-07-27]

i got four hours of sleep last night and that is all.
i closed the store late and got out at one fourty five(ish). as i was driving home i almost ran over a kitten. so i stopped to see if said kitten wanted to go home with me....
to make a similong story painless for me to type, ashley meet me and at four in the mourning we had four kittens safely in her cat carrier.
bed at six up at ten, lunch with brother, work, visit kittens, entry.
and that last line in the rest of my day leading up to right now.

i have now officially been a corporate whore for a full year, today. today marks(ha ha marks, get it...)exactly one year at my job.....

i'm not sure how i feel about this.

i want an appartment, i need something new and that would do nicely.

tomorrow morning there is a store meeting at 8A.M.

tomorrow night i am going to see 10ft Pole play, i like them.

next wednesday i am driving (with ashley and starbuck and steven...give or take a person or two) to Kansas City, why you ask? why, says i snidely, for Modest Mouse, Cake, and the Flaming Lips of course.

ok the room is starting to spin, i'm going to bed now.

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