[2:05 a.m.] : [2002-07-24]

Ok, now moving on to
So i was woken up at nine for breakfast, ate pancakes and eggs and went back to bed. Was woken up for the second time of the day by Peter. He was the only one, aside from myself, left in the house. Everyone had left for Idaho Falls and Peter and myself had about twenty five minutes to get there before pictures where to be taken. I showered and put on a clean pair of jeans and my best gloria record t-shirt. Neither Pete or myself had bothered to bring anything dressy for the weekend seeing as tuxes where to be provided for the reception. However this was not the reception.
From Bobs house to Idaho Falls it is in the ball park of 30 miles, with a speed limit of 55. I got to drive the rental for the first time and within 18 minutes of leaving Bobs and taking the back way threw the city of Idaho Falls, we where in the pictures and grossly under dressed.
From the pictures we went to lunch where we secured 25 dollors for supplies to umm..."fix" James car later that day.Twenty of those dollors where from our mother, the other five where from a friend of James who i had previously meet once, who Peter had previously never meet, and who John said Peter should give the money back too.
...at this point i wish to make two points about the previous day that i failed to make yesterday. The first being this, two days before i left my father gave me twenty bucks to take Peter to dinner with upon our arrival into Salt Lake. Upon our arrival into Salt Lake neither Peter or myself was all that hungry, nothing that couldn't wait the three and a half hour car trip.
Point two is this, upon kidnapping James on Friday Peter secured twenty dollors from our father to go out on.
The reason i bring this up is that Peter and myself both had twenty extra dollors each. Luck for us, and commerce, there was a c.d.wherehouse across the street from the IF mall. I purchased a Propaghandi disk and an old 1988 released lemonheads album i believe by the name of Lick, i had never heard of it and it was only three dollors. Peter bought a Jesus Jones album, that was very good, and two others i can't remember what.
After misappropriation we got the rental car washed, bought supplies for James's car, had a typical run in with the law Peter giving attitude me giving attitude cop being a cop kind of thing, cop let us leave, truck in front of us looses a small load of lumber, we help load lumber back into truck (driver of truck, it was a small truck i think a toyota, said shit about two dozen times in three minutes. it seemed out of place in the land of the phrase Oh my heck, yet it was mildly refreashing.) got stuck on some back road not sure if we where coming or going to Rigby.
Where where going to, which was a good thing becuase that is where we where supposed to in two minutes dressed in our tuxes for more pictures. We came screetching into the parking lot next to my day. He was not ammused, but the rental was not in his name and he is not my favorite person so it brought me joy.
Changed and pictures done gave way to shaking hands of strangers from her(Jennifer, James new wife)family for twenty minutes. then they danced, i moved his car, Peter got supplies from the trunk and John joined us in the parking lot.
Contents on James's car:
Plastic Wrap- Pink and Blue.
Shoe Polish- One bottle, message on every window.
Toilet Paper- Two rolls, inside and out.
String- Yarn(actually), multi rainbow colored, perfect for a wedding in the conservative state of Idaho.
Plastic Cups- attached on four strings and tied to bumper.
Shaving Cream- Two cans, one used for picture of a heart on front hood, contents of front hood to be relocated to front windshield upon gaining speed. Can number two- other spots around car, under door latches.
Gummi Bears- One bag, stuck accordingly.
So after the tossing of the usual items and said tossed items where caught the Bride and Groom changed and where about to be on thier way, after the usual runway of gathered people throwing rice, bird seed, confeti, or in this case blowing bubbles.
at the end of the bubble crowd was myself, John, and Peter. I let them pass as John stepped out infront, Peter was on the other side of a the roll of plastic wrap in Johns hand and i helped hold the love birds in place and then proceeded with the silly string, which also found it's way onto the car over streamers of yarn and such.
After they left we changed out of the tuxes and went for some more rental car fun. saddly there was no place found to succesfully jump the car.
Me and Peter went back to bobs and got our few things, said our good byes and at 12:55AM left for Provo which is a good 283 miles down the road from Bobs. After stopping for gas, twice, we pulled up to the house where we where being put up for the night and the clock read 3:55. Props go to Peter for his driving.

Tomorrow:maybe Sundy, but Sunday was rather a bore in comparison.

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