[1:03 a.m.] : [2001-08-29]

not a bad day today, good actually.

today i:
cleaned the bathroom,
did laundry,
got some items form the store-toothpaste mechanical pencils brownies,
cleaned out my inbox and deleted old mail,
bought a new modest mouse c.d. (new for me not for mouse),
and now i'm writing my second entry of the day. if you missed the first make sure you go back and read it, it is immportant. very immportant, our future together may even depend on it.

"and a hundred miles is a long drive inside a car, two hundred miles is a long drive inside a car, three hundred miles is a long drive inside a car, four hundred miles is a long drive inside a car, and five hundred miles is a really long drive in a car, six hundred miles is a long drive inside a car, seven hundred miles is a long drive inside a car, eight hundred miles is a long drive inside a car, nine hundred miles is a long long long long wait in a car, and a thousand miles is a long drive inside a car, eleven hundred miles is too far inside a car."

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