[1:53 a.m.] : [2001-08-19]

"so this is odd. the painful realization that all has gone wrong.
and nobody cares at all, and nobody cares at all. so you buried all your lovers clothes and burned the letters lover wrote,
but it doesn't make it any better. does it make it any better?so this is strange, our sidesteping has come to be a brilliant dance where nobody leads at all, where nobody leads at all.
and the frames are all facing down and the ringing from this empty sound is deafening and keeping me from sleeping.
and breathing is a foriegn task and thinking's just too much to ask."

- - -
and this concludes the portion of our program provided by dashboard confessional

i feel like cusing but my computer will edit it out so whats the point, i doubt it would really make any differnce anyways. i stopped by your work to see you and give you your shoes,
...you didn't say thank you. it would of been nice,
it would of been nicer if i hadn't had the thought before hand that you probly wouldn't say thank you
(don't ask why i had that though, i don't know, but i did and as much as it really doesn't matter and as much as it shouldn't i still noticed)
i reread your last email to me and wrote a response and after a bit of rambling i narrowed it down two five words (no, i don't need you),
then i got it down to the designated three word limit i just imposed the other day (no, not anymore)
i finished writing and just saved it in the draft folder, i have probly a dozen emails i've never sent to you for who knows what ever reasons.
i have every letter i've ever written and never given you, every draft, everyword, and it doesn't mean sh!t.
driving out of the albertsons parking lot i tried to think of a time you've thanked me for something (anything) that i've done for you (not that i do things to get thanks, i do them because i care so damn much), and all i could come up with is you saying thank you for being such a good friend.
it's funny too, i never wanted to be your friend.

but i told you i'd try and i guess i've brought everything upon myself.

and this concludes the part where mark is a pathetic loser... i changed my machine message again today, i don't know, i guess i just can't stand to have a personal message on my machine so i recorded another song (well part of one) if i was my friend and called me i would always get depressed cause my machine is never happy(with the exeption of the previous message and threats of bodily harm).
new message is from dashboard (who'd of thunk it?) a song titled the best deception and plays "ignoring the phone, i'd rather say nothing. i'd rather you never heard my voice. your calling too late..."
ok i don't know what that last bit has to do with anything i just feel like typing...so who wants more lyrics?

"this is where i say i've had enoughand no one should ever feel the way that i feel now. a walking open wound, a trophy display of bruises and i don't believe tht i'm getting any better.
waiting here with hopes the phone will ring and i'm thinking awful things and i'm pretty sure that few ever notice. and this apartment is starving for an argument anything to break the silence.
wandering this house like i've never wanted out and this is about as social as i get now.

so don't be a liar don't say that "everythings working" when everythings broken. and you smile like a saint but you curse like a sailor
and your eyes say the jokes on me"

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