[9:49 p.m.] : [2020-08-03]

For the last few weeks now every time I see on Facebook that my father has commented on a post I get nervous. For the last few weeks now my father has been sharing every asinine right-wing echo chamber click bait thing he can find that talks about how the Black Lives Matter movement is all a ploy by the Democrats to manipulate votes. For the last few weeks now I've been reevaluating everything I've thought about my father because I've never heard him make a racist remark or say anything even remotely bigoted, and despite the many beefs we've had and the grudges I do carry that is something I have always given him credit for. For the last few weeks now I've been wondering if it something that's always been there and I've just never seen. For the last few weeks now every time I see on Facebook that my father has commented on a post I have to stop whatever I'm doing and see what he actually said and as I scroll down the comments looking for his contribution I pray to dear sweet Jesus that it's not something that will make me ashamed of him. For the last few weeks now I've been pleasantly surprised by a few comments that were the opposite of what I feared, although there have still been a few close calls. For the last few weeks I haven't known how to approach the subject and talk to him about it because I wasn't raised in a family that talks so it's not a skill I have... and yet I've hit the point where I'm sick of scrolling and rolling my eyes and holding my tongue and I can't keep quiet when he posts another asinine right-wing echo chamber click bait thing. Not anymore.

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