[11:50 p.m.] : [2004-09-15]

I am settling in nicely to the new place. still jobless and that will shortly become a rather large issue if it does not change, i am however trying to maintain an optomism and continue to fill out all kinds of applications for employment while also remembering to live. that is the most important part, one must remember to live.

job or not i'm at a nice point in my life i felt it appropriate to archive the last 13 months of entries. i usually start a new archive chapter when i move or feel a significant directional change of the winds in my life.

all my previous chapter names i have taken from media that has had an impact on my and i felt fit. song names or lines or maybe a books title. as was going to be the case of this last set. i've had this song in my head for the last two weeks or so: So cut my wrists and black my eyes so i can fall asleep tonight or die because you kill me, You know you do, you kill me well, you like it too, and i can tell you'll never stop until my final breath is gone. Spare me just three last words... I'll wait for you, but i can't wait forever.

so i was going to take the last bit and chapter h. was going to entitled i can't wait forever. but i was browsing some of the entries and came across one entitled regret and rereading a)i liked it alot and b)i noticed it was not only the start of the next set of chronicles but it sort of makes the claim that an eye will be kept on the year that follows. if i may be allowed to quote myself for one moment "and we will see what a year will bring with a certain self styled open handed optimism."

so it is thirteen months later and i will admit that looking back from this end the year did not hold all that from the other end one was wishing to see, but it was a good year.

(there is more to be said on related matters, but i feel that i found a good place for this entry to end. it was a good year.)

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