[4:56 p.m.] : [2003-06-07]

a gentleman walks up to me as i'm hefting bags of soil off one pallet and onto another.

he speaks "do you have any soil?"

me, throwing the bag of soil in my arms gives him a half assed you are a dumb ass look, "yep."

keep in mind we are on our soil aisle. which is a fifty foot stretch of racking that is about eighteen feet high, all of which is full of bags of various soil. "where do you keep it?"

dropping the next bag of soil i had just picked up"...on our soil aisle..." afraid of the next question, hoping it wont come.

it comes "where is that?"

...huffing i bend and pick the bag back up, "we're on it." throws bag while rolling eyes.

"oh, well do you have any soil that's organic?"

now i believe in good customer service so against my better judgement i didn't just walk away which was my first reaction. but i did ask myself - how much do you want to bet this guy is from davis. and myself answered to me - no.

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