[1:01 a.m.] : [2002-12-10]

he may not be a rock and roll journalist, but he has come to terms with this fact. he also makes an absolutley fantastic point in paragraph six.

on a matter of people who are rock and roll journalists, i've been noticing lately and i've seen this in two reviews in the last month in two seperate magazines, that the review actually said that a perticular release would mainly just appeal to fans of the band being reviewed. does this really need to be said? is that what todays culture has come too, or is it a lowered stadard in print journalism? i mean saying a release is something mostly for fans of that perticular band can be applied to any release of any band no matter how good or crappy. it is really something that goes without saying and the fact that it is being said makes me A)doubt the writer B)doubt the editor of the magazine and C)doubt the magazine even more than before.
and while i'm ranting about reviews i have not seen one good review for Earphoria the live Smashing Pumpkins disk, i'd say it was new, but it is not and that is the main thing that people are missing. it's not a new album, all the tracks where released in 94 when the video Viewphoria came out. all Earphoria is is a soundtrack to that to corrispond with the release of Viewphoria on dvd.
but everyone is looking at it as a new release of old matterial, however when Viewphoria was recorded the band was still working on Siemese Dream and half the tracks had yet to be released. it's actually a remastered and rerelease of an old release of old songs that where new when it was originally released but just in a different format...see it's really not that hard of a concept to grasp.
the other thing that no one has mentioned that bugs me is the fact that Billy on guitar is god. he may not show it on the studio albums but on the live track he is running scales all over the place and he just throws them in in the middle of a track just because he can. the track i am one is a great example of this yet everyone looks at the extra rant he adds in the middle of it and fails to mention his actual ability to trash like a mother. it is rather bothersome to me if you could not tell. it makes me sad, sad that all these people are still missing the point for the pumpkins and especially sad for billy. he is one of the greatest musicians of all time and i'd dare say the greatest of our time but he never gets anywhere near his proper credit.
wow, look at all that text, i should write for a rock magazine.

on a side note while i'm talking about Billy, i would like to state my opinion that he is buckethead. for more on this im me and i'll go into it i just don't feel like it here.

and stay tuned for upcoming special offers, SOON.

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