[2:35 a.m.] : [2002-12-03]

A wild pack of family dogs came runnin� through the yard one day
My father got his gun, shot it up, they ran away ok

you come home in the rain, you pull your key out of you pocket, it gets wet, you put the key in the hole, day after day, in the rain, you do it enough the tumblers rust and jam or disintegrate away slowly with time.

A wild pack of family dogs came runnin� through the yard
As my little sister played, the dogs took her away
And I guess she was eaten up ok, yeah she was eaten up ok
My mother�s cryin� blood dust now

today i purchased some comics, two filler bunny shorts issue #2 of i feel sick and the fifth trade edition of the Sandman series, A Game For You. i also found a bootleged Neverwhere DVD, didn't buy it cause i didn't have a dvd player.
that was earlier today. of course now i have a Playstation 2, bought it tonight at work... for only one hundred and four dollars. so i also bought a memory card and the hitman game.
so cheerio and goodnight, i'm off to kill kill kill before Family Ties comes on.

And I�m sittin� outside my mudlake, waiting for the pack to take me away And right after I die the dogs start floating up towards the glowing sky Now they�ll receive their rewards, now they will receive their rewards

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