[12:38 a.m.] : [2002-07-13]

*12 Jul 2002 / 10:17:39 PM Referrer: Direct Hit
*12 Jul 2002 / 04:38:54 PM Referrer: Direct Hit
*12 Jul 2002 / 09:27:57 AM Referrer: Direct Hit
*11 Jul 2002 / 10:30:12 AM Referrer: Direct Hit

...hmmm, these are just the most reccent hits from ip68-0-93-228.tu.ok.cox.net which has been a frequent the last week or so. more so than before i should say.

it's almost like borderline stalker-ish. ...once again my ass is affraid for it's safety and or innoscence.

so i let ashley borrow a couple of tapes while she he van is in the shop becuase what she is driving in the mean time doesn't have a cd player. one of the tapes i let take was my Descendents recording of the hallranker live album.
latter i ask her how she likes it, apparently all that she got out of it or all she could make out on it was one line from the song Hurtin' Crue. That line goes like I am better than you, you are a peice of poo. of course she hasn't heard the descendents before and doesn't realise that song is about a guy the band knew in high school that thought he was a smart bad ass because he got a 1420 on his SAT. and the line before the poo line is just fourteen twenty repeated a couple of times.
of course there is another important part to the song. while the above is milo singing from the perspective of this cocky jack ass (who after recieving his scores and acceptance to west point wore a military helmet with 1420 painted on it around thier school).
in contrast to that milo give this simple profound rebuttal (an this is the important part.
Get a life
Get a job
Get a clue

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