[4:37 a.m.] : [2002-06-17]

I don't care if it rains or freezes
Long as I got my plastic Jesus
Sittin' on the dashboard of my car
Comes in colors, pink and pleasant
Glows in the dark, it's iridescent
Take it with you when you travel far

so, what are you people using these days to download music?
since the fall of the great napstertm empire i have ceased to download anything audio. not due to the principle, just due to the fact that i haven't cared for any of the other programs.
however i have a growing list of bands i wish too investigate. any suggestions would be appreciated.
thank you - Mark

Get yourself a sweet madonna
Dressed in rhinestone, settin' on a
Pedestal of Abalone Shells
Goin' 90, I ain't scared
Cause I got the Virgin Mary
Assuring me that I won't go to hell
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