[3:28 a.m.] : [2002-05-07]

spoke to t-bone on IM tonight first conversation in a few months, here are the highlights.

squidge midgit: so, how is davis this time of year?
orbital62: Uhm...I think a lot of people are on fire...but other than the occasional scream, it's fine.
squidge midgit: hmm... makes me think of a superchunck song.
orbital62: ::lies:: Uh.....me too....

orbital62: Danny will be starting here this fall..
squidge midgit: fun, hey is danny still thinking of that vegas trip?
orbital62: Dunno..
orbital62: But I'm 21 now... So sign me up.
squidge midgit: good, hey you can actually buy it now.
squidge midgit: the drink, not vegas
orbital62: I tried buying Vegas while on the drink. Hilarity ensued.
squidge midgit: i imagine, maybe some day i'll read about it.
orbital62: Yeah...in an obit..

orbital62: I had a dream that this bull with wings was trying to sell me turkey..."the other white meat"....
squidge midgit: hmmm.... i like the people on fire idea... not necessarily more than the bull idea, but just easier to draw
orbital62: Throw in a sign that says, "Welcome to Davis. Population not on fire: -36"
squidge midgit: ...so are you on fire?
squidge midgit: or are you one of the negative people?
orbital62: But....aren't the negative people...on fire?
squidge midgit: no no no, cause the population of davis that is negative thirty six according to the sign is the population of davis that is not on fire, so if sin=-36 and is greater than the tangent of angleb squared times co-sin which is the davis sign then pie equals yummy
orbital62: I see. Does that take into account the french toast factor?
squidge midgit: i've had this icecream bar since i was a child!!!
orbital62: Then you must have some really cold pants.
squidge midgit: he didn't say science he said piepants....mmmmm, piepants.
orbital62: I had piepants for dinner the other night...
orbital62: I think they're still in my belly...
squidge midgit: i had dinner for supper the other night
orbital62: Dinner is overrated...
orbital62: You should try "linner"...
squidge midgit: hmmm, is that like that jewish thing they do around easter?
orbital62: No, it's that jewish thing they do around easter.
squidge midgit: well in that case i'm just going to play it safe and eat kosher, none of that "crazy" jewish stuff for me

squidge midgit: my mom sent me a package that i recieved today, it was about two dozen transcript request forms and an aplication to the uc system.... i think she might be trying to tell me something, but you know how women can be i'm not sure what it is.
orbital62: I think she wants you to get married soon.
squidge midgit: i would like that it would mean a whooole lot o fackin'
orbital62: Damn straight Homie-G!
squidge midgit: want to start a band?
orbital62: Are you really asking?
squidge midgit: maybe
orbital62: What are you trying to say? ::breaks a bottle on the counter and approaches you slowly::
orbital62: Uhm...don't you have to be in the state for this to work?
squidge midgit: :::applaudes the evil taco moment::: well that is where the drums are
orbital62: Uh....but unless they're magic drums (which I'm still debating the existence of) you need to be here to play them...
squidge midgit: it's times like this i wish i was able to smack you up side the head and not just put it on a to-do list.

orbital62: I would surprise her during a shower.
orbital62: People don't chase you outside to kill you when they're naked.

orbital62: .....
orbital62: So can the drums do like...magic tricks? Do you get wishes from them?
squidge midgit: yes, i say "drums, make noise when i hit you!!!" ..and they do....
squidge midgit:....am i rambling yet?
orbital62: ::looks at his watch:: Not yet...another 23 seconds....

squidge midgit: but i'm twenty i need a rock band not a family.
orbital62: Damn straight.
orbital62: Y'see...that's why I left my kids in Costa Rica...

and i'm sure T would love to know i'm sharring our conversations on the internet for the world to see.

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