[4:14 p.m.] : [2001-10-15]

my afternoons find me in the library.
it's not so bad, i like the library, i like books, i've been reading more and thinking about it. the process (not really the process of reading, thats nothing really special, but the process of writing telling a story to a-convey a certain ideal or set of ideals, and b-make it interesting with details and beautifuly crafted words, the way an author and describe and detach from an idea to add charecter and depth and not stray too far just enough for a desired effect... i don't really know what i'm rambling about, or i do i just don't know how to ramble about it properly, i want to learn)
anyways in the words of the gin blossoms-"i've been keeping myself busy with my books and with my tapes. and everythings much better since i slowed my drinking pace"
thats exactly how my life has been lately...well everything but the drinking, but i have been meaning to take up a drinking problem or something..ok so i haven't really been meaning to take one up, but it is kind of fun to talk about at times.

musical picks for the week are
Depeche Mode
(more to come as the week progresses)
in my readings
the Plauge by Camus
the death of Ivan Ilavich

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