[1:30 a.m.] : [2001-06-20]

before i get into today i would like to give a short companion piece to the latest entry by weatherking-

so yesterday i stop by ameoba in San Fransico on my way back from Pacifica, i find Placebo's newest album Black Market Music (mind you i gave up all hope of ever finding it in a store) whats more i find it used for 12 bucks. so i find that and National Skyline for 12 as well, then i find three cds in the bargin bin and go to check out. the guy behind the counter say you have three bargin cds here we have a deal, buy three get one free. so i go in search of something else. i find something else, go to the counter, the clerk rings me up i give him my money and as i leave the store i think, damn that was cheap, he only charged me 20 bucks for all six, i think maybe he rang up one of the more expensive cds for free so i go back in to clear up the matter like any honest eagle scout like myself would(maybe i'm just stupid) but so i tell one of the people behind the counter and they get a manager and turns out the clerk had not rung up the Placebo album, he cuts a discout so after tax its 10.83(or something i give him a twenty, and he gives me 10 bucks change.

so it ends up the cd that has caused me so much grief over the last 8 month trying to find saved me like five bucks all in all. and that was really cool. (sorry to all you people that want to projectile vomit after a story of morality and good doing, but i was going to write about it last night but i was tired and then i read weatherkings latest and i couldn't help but including my tale as well.)

what more can i say, sometimes doing the right thing can be a good thing, of course it can sometimes be a bitch:

examlpe- tonight driving to stockton there is a stretch of highway coming down 12 out of fairfield that had a sign turn on headlights next 18 miles. i turn on my head lights...

So the plan for today was me danny and mel where going to hit up ReRe for a movie and then meet T at Barnes and Noble where he works and then drive down to the stockton county fair where river fenix was playing tonight. danny as it turns out had summer school so just me and mel went and saw evolution(a damn fine and funny flick) so danny meets us after the movie we go to barnes and noble and meet T, T hooks me up with his fat discount and i pick up the new neil gaiman book american gods(which happend to be a first edition one of 5000 that was hand signed by neil himself) so then as it turns out t flakes on us, but for good reasons. so me danny and mel get to stockton find the county fairgrounds and park, we get to the gate and admission was only six bucks instead of the anticipated 8. we walk in and walk around for a bit amoungst the carnies. we find the stage area and mel watched the sound check as me and danny go about the business of purchesing 4.50 burritos(without sour cream) we get back to mel and eat our burritos and its about 30 minutes before the gates open for the stage area, we wait. the gates open and we go and get seats in the 3rd row. and as we are sitting there what should start to play? why the new jimmy eat world album bleed america (mind you i have the whole album down loaded but all demos or old recording, so some of the songs took me off guard, especially 'my sundown' but it was all oh so beautiful, and with that and a very pleasent evening setting in hear you me was just the high light of today. so finally the album ends and right as bleed america(the song) is starting again the show starts fenix comes out and plays a rather good show, which consisted of new stuff and old stuff and even my personal favorites. after the show the band came down to thier mech booth and mel got them to sign her poster and i took pictures of her with them all and then we wandered the fair, road a ride wasted money on games and since i was a looser at the goldfish toss game(you try to make a ping pong ball on a cup and can win a fish, i wish it was an actual goldfish toss) the wonderful carnie man gave me a gold fish anyway.

as we where leaving the park, i named it Ron Howard.

we get to the car and the battery is dead, so mcu as the power locks will not even work. i had to get a jump from some nice fellows with a car that look just like mine,

...the reason for the dead battery, there was no sign indicating that the 18 miles where up and people should turn off thier headlights, and seeing as when we pulled into the fair it was sunny out i didn't even notice.

had i not listend to the sign and done the wrong thing then my brand new battery would never has been drained.

i suppose that the real moral is try to do whats right but tell caltrans to go fack themselves.

the end.

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